

10 World's Weirdest Hotels

If you’re tired of staying in luxury hotels, you might want to try out some of the many unique and sometimes strange hotels that can be found all over the world. If you want a change from the cookie-cutter hotels you’re used to, try one of the following 10 hotels on your next trip.
Dog Bark Park Inn

1. CasAnus

CasAnus is a giant sculpture of a human intestine that is located in Kemzeke, Belgium. CasAnus was created by Joep Van Lieshout. It contains a double bed, heater, shower, and toilet. CasAnus is run by a couple of Belgian art collectors. While it might not look especially appealing from the outside, except for being in the middle of nature, the inside of the room is as comfy as any place else.
This one-room hotel is extremely popular with couples since it’s situated in a quiet and remote place. It is visited by 200-250 people per year. Joep Van Lieshout once said that he was inspired by human body and he had cherished the idea of such a hotel for a long time. This hotel is made of natural materials such as wood, PU foam and it is printed with naturalistic reddish color. The interesting thing is that the sculpture anatomically corresponds to the human digestive system from the tongue to the anus. Despite the immense size of the construction, it took a few months to finish the sculpture. When the building was presented to the public the reaction was utterly approving! I’ve already added this hotel to my list of the places to visit this year.

2. Das Park Hotel

Das Park Hotel
Das Park Hotel located in Linz, Austria is actually a number of repurposed drainpipes that have been turned into rooms. It’s one of the greatest examples of how people can reuse materials and goods. The workers used only varnish and wall paintings to transform the pipes into comfortable accommodation. Since the space of each room is about 2 square meters, there are only a bed, light, power and ventilation in the room. You can also find some place for your luggage. Bathroom facilities and kitchen are not too far from the pipes, however you will have to pay for them.
Concrete is a wonderful sound-proofing material, so you won’t be disturbed by the outer noise. The pipes keep cool temperature during the summer months and protect you from cold weather in autumn and spring, since the hotel is available from May to October. Andreas Strauss, the creator, emphasizes that Das Park Hotel is non-commercial project. It was designed to demonstrate hospitality and to lure tourists.
If stay at the Das Park Hotel , you will be highly impressed by the cosiness of these pipes. What you'll love best about this place is “pay as you wish” system! However, as an average tourist, you should (not must) give about 50 euro (around $65) per night.

3. Palacio del Sal

This hotel is in Bolivia and is made entirely from salt. The floors, walls, and ceiling are made from salt. Even the bed and chairs are made of salt. Each room has a private bath. The Palacio de Sal is located at the eastern shore of the Great Salar de Uyuni, near the world’s biggest salt flat. The current hotel was built in 2007, though the original building (1993-1995) was dismantled due to sanitary problems. Now, however, you can be sure that all the discrepancies are removed. Since the building and some furniture are made entirely of salt, there are some specific rules the guests should follow. For example, visitors are prohibited from licking the walls and they also should be careful with salt furniture.
All in all, the hotel is supplied with 16 rooms, steam room, whirlpool, massage room and several golf courses, available from May to November. Typically, the Bolivians treat their guests to salty meat and veggies. The Palacio de Sal leaves lasting impression.

4. Dog Bark Park Inn

Dog Bark Park Inn
If you are a dog lover, this place is definitely for you! Located in Cottonwood, Idaho, this hotel is actually in the shape of a dog. The room sleeps 4 and contains a full bath, a microwave, air conditioning, books, games, and puzzles, but no television or telephone. The owners say that you will feel the rural atmosphere more vividly without external influences. I think that Dennis Sullivan and Frances Conklin, the creators of this whimsical accommodation, were inspired by the love of animals and dogs in particular. When it came to the hotel, they decided to create a beagle-shaped building in order to lure more tourists and guests. And they were right! Their hobby and passion developed into one of the most unusual places in the world.
The hotel consists of two parts: Sweet Willy and Toby. Since this hotel is extremely popular with visitors, you should book the place in advance. Every detail inside displays the love of dogs: pillows, carpets, books, and even cookies. Moreover, the toilet is hydrant-shaped! When you stay you’ll also be treated to a continental self-serve breakfast and even dog food!

5. The Hobbit Motel

The Hobbit Motel can be found in Woodlyn Park, New Zealand. The hotel is made of polystyrene blocks, which keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. The roof is covered with thick grass and you always have amazing view from the window.
If you stay at the Hobbit Motel, you will have a chance to enjoy Billy Black’s Kiwi Culture Show. This performance draws people from all over the world and allows you to participate in the really unique New Zealand experience. You will have fun and you will learn a lot about their culture, traditions and nature. The inside of the hotel is very cozy and homelike. The accommodation is clean, neat, with well-equipped kitchenette and all the bathroom facilities. The stuff is friendly, positive and helpful. If you are in New Zealand, you cannot lose the chance to stay in this fantastical place!

6. Null Stern Hotel

The world’s first zero star hotel is located in Teufen, Appenzellerland, Switzerland. Their catch-phrase is “the only star is you.” The hotel was built in a cold war bunker and there are no windows. This hotel is another example of reusing old disused buildings. The Null Stern Hotel was nominated for the best innovation of the year at the Worldwide Hospitality Awards (2009). In 2010 it was included to the top 100 hotels in Europe. Frank and Patrik Riklin, the conceptual artists and twin brothers, decided to leave the interior of the shelter intact: the concrete walls and pipes. However they added a touch of a comfort by supplying the rooms with beds, furniture and lights.
The bathrooms are shared, and there is a lounge, and two large rooms for 14 people with 4 double-beds and all the rest single. All in all, there is nothing unusual about the interior. The bunker is supplied with essential things. The designers wanted to call attention to the problems of environment. Thus, this hotel is originally an installation. You won’t find luxury and prosperity here. But this place is definitely worth visiting.

7. Capsule Hotel

In Japan capsule hotels are quite popular. The idea of capsule hotels first appeared in 1979. Since that time capsule hotels are part and parcel of Japanese culture. These hotels are perfect for unpretentious people who need overnight accommodation and basic service. Moreover, the Japanese often rent capsule hotels for a considerable period of time when they experience hard financial times. Such accommodations didn’t gain much popularity outside Japan, but they begat counterparts all over the world. They are small measuring only 1 x 2 meters. Many of the capsule hotels do offer television and wireless internet, but usually don’t allow eating inside the capsule. Bathrooms are shared and there are restaurants. They are very basic and quite cheap to rent running approximately $25-50/night.
The great thing about capsule hotels is that you can take the place without prior booking. It is explained by the bigger number of places available than in any other hotel. I think it’s a great experience to spend the night in a cockpit of an aircraft, for instance. 

8. Ice Hotel

If you’re looking for a unique experience, the IceHotel is a must. Opened in 1990, this hotel in Lapland, Sweden is rebuilt every winter. The designers and architects say that IceHotel is more than just beds and rooms; it’s an art project made of snow and ice that constantly challenges their imagination.
The IceHotel is the original. It has 65 rooms with beds made of ice. Opt for Ice Rooms, Snow Rooms, Art Suits, Northern Light Rooms or Deluxe Suits. While the temperature inside will be a chilly -5 Celsius, it’s warmer than the -15 Celsius outside. The hotel also has an IceBar, sauna, and restaurants.
People from all over the world arrive to this place to tie the knot and promise each other eternal fidelity. Those couples, who are already married, wish to have their marriage blessed in a magnificent Ice church, which exists between December and April only. The IceHotel is extremely popular with visitors. Nearly 50,000 people from all over the world come here to experience northern lights, calmness and complete wilderness.

9. V8 Hotel

V8 Hotel
Are you a car fanatic? The V8 Hotel in Meilenwerk, Germany may be your cup of tea. Both design and architecture are about automobiles: legendary vintage cars, sporty timers, exclusive cars and rarities will definitely create the racing mood! Each room has an automotive theme as well. You can sleep in a bed made from a white Mercedes or sleep in the workshop room where your car bed is actually lifted up on jacks. This hotel is child friendly. There is a CD player in each room, wireless internet, free parking, and laundry services.
The hotel is supplied with 34 places, 10 of them with unique design. You can order a tour to the Mercedes-Benz Museum and learn the 125-year history of automobiles. Moreover, the V8 Hotel isn’t located in somewhere; it is located in a special and unique area – the Motorworld Stuttgard. Car specialists, enthusiasts, people who love technology and technical aesthetics can find everything here. Well, I’m sure even a lady will be astonished at the unique beauty of these cars!

10. Forest Hut Hotel

This one is considered to be the most primitive Sweden hotel, since there is no electricity and showers. So you will face pure natural mystic here! The rooms are applied with 2 beds, fireplace, candles and lamps. Facilities are outside and the shower is replaced by a dip in a lake. Be ready to sleep on wooden beds, which are much harder and less comfortable than your home beds.
If you would rather not forage for your own food, you can have food dropped to your site. There are numerous wildlife tours to choose from, and with the guide’s help you will see many unique wild animals. You can also choose hiking and blueberry-picking. Of course such vacation is not to everyone’s taste. 
If you’re looking for a new and unique experience, one of these hotels might be a nice change of pace and give you a once in a lifetime experience.

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